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Saturday 24 May 2008

Love and stop lights can be cruel

I had my first exam two days ago - and a cramming session with Laney to boot. It's probably shameful to admit that I had not revised much beforehand, but considering the paper was on only one of the topics we had covered I was not filled with the urge to be as studious as I knew I should have been.

Luckily, the cramming session paid off as one of the poems (it was a poetry test) was by Denise Levertov, who Laney had explained to me about just the night before. We pinned a sheet on my notice board of stuff to remember about the poets we had studied - things that were indeed extremely unflattering, but would help us to remember. (It was only after she wrote the list that Laney realised her writing was too small to read from her position in the room).

Now the exam is over - and a bizarre experience it was too. It was held in the gym, so many people put their belongings inside lockers on the way in. I did not, because I was convinced I would lose the key. (oh, the IRONY).

The invidulators had pinned maps on the walls highlighted in different colours to represent the different classes, but it may as well have been written in gobbledygook - you never know, I might have understood that, my mother has been known to digress. In the end, Laney and I ended up going into the hall and flagging down invidulators, rather than doing what should have been the obvious thing and spy where our classmates were sitting.

It appears our university has a rather strange timing system where examinations go. Students arent allowed to leave in the first hour (which is fair enough) but not in the last fifteen minutes either. Where's the sense in that? Anyway, we started and, as previously mentioned I was quite ecstatic because there was a Denise Levertov poem - quite a nice one too. I was midway through making an excellent point, when some strange invidulator came and dragged my jacket off my chair (I had planned to leave it with my bag, but forgot to take it off). Anyway she said she was going to put it at the side and then scarpered.

After I finished I looked for said jacket, but it was nowhere to be found - the only place it wasn't? The side. Reluctant to stand rummaging through other people's belongings for too long, I hastily retreated and left the hall, with all intentions of retrieving my jacket later.

I got it back, but it must have taken about three invidulators to get it for me - all this fuss for a jacket? Where did she put it?

At the moment I am preparing for my upcoming novel exam and reading War of the worlds. When I'm not reading that, which usually is the norm, I'm reading lots of manga, which is where I discovered the following.

^^^^ Here is Kaname. He is a vampire. And a boy.

^^^ Here is a character in Ouran High Host club that looks like Kaname. Who is female. And is a maid.


Sam said...

I wonder if next week's cramming session will be as amusing...?

Well, now we know what Kaname gets up to during the day!!

Detective KimE said...

Someone took my coat as well, I was going to leave it with everything else but I was cold and someone else was wearing their's. I resisted the urge to say. 'Damn my notes were in those pockets.' It was slightly embarrassing.