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Monday 26 May 2008

Characters Meme

Write down twelve of your own characters and then answer the questions - NO LOOKING AT THE QUESTIONS BEFORE ANSWERING!! GOT IT? GOOD!

Zeh chars

1. Gurda Von Illyich
-Technically neither living nor dead. She is the ‘boss’ character, revived when her ‘shell’ dies.

2. Isobel Read
- A pirate wench, who toys with witchcraft.

3. Vladimir Von Illyich
-A Romanian lord - believed dead by all contemporaries. He also toys with witchcraft, for the purpose of his people’s safety.

4. Ileana Von Illyich/Lily
-The product of Isobel Read and Vladimir Von Illyich’s brief time together, thrown into poverty after her father’s supposed death.

5. Robert Tully
-A close friend of Vladimir Von Illyich and a close friend of the family,

6. Sylvie Cross
-An apothecary’s daughter, religious and pure.

7. Carver Cross
-The village apothecary. Raised in the north of England, he unknowingly married the daughter of Isobel Read.

8. Freya Seinfeld
-One of Isobel Read’s coven, Freya hails from Germany.

9. Frederick Lundy
-A member of Vladimir Von Illyich’s council, he also a close friend of the family, though holds dark secrets of his own.

10. Cassiopeia Whitley
-Sylvie Cross’s mother, who died of an illness while she was very young.

11. Rosaline Hart
- Another member of Isobel Read’s coven.

12. Elspeth Moore
-An accident prone member of Isobel Read’s coven.

#1. Who would make a better college prof.? 6 ( Sylvie) or 11 (Rosaline)?

Rosaline - Sylvie is only about fourteen with hardly any experience of life. Though, out of the two of them, I deem Sylvie the most trustworthy - so *shrug*.

#2. Do you think 2 ( Isobel) is hot? How hot?

She was certainly beautiful once; I wouldn’t say hot, certainly not to her face.

#3. 12 (Elspeth) sends 8 (Freya) out on a mission. What is it? Does it succeed?

Errr….Elspeth is the ship’s chef, so it would probably be to fetch some ingredients for the next meal. Freya’s not that focussed so she’d probably miss the meal, leaving Elspeth to take the flack.

#4. What is or would be 9’s (Lundy) favorite book?

Marquis de Sade stuff ^^ - he’s a dark horse.

#5. Would it make more sense for 2 (Isobel) to swear fealty to 6 (Sylvie), or the other way around?

The other way round, Sylvie is naïve and Isobel is pretty quick witted, so Sylvie is more likely to be fooled into obeying. Plus Isobel is SCARY.

#6. For some reason, 5 (Tully) is looking for a roommate. Should (s)he share a studio apartment with 9 (Lundy) or with 10 (Cassiopeia)?

Lundy! They’re old friends!

#7. 2 (Isobel), 7 (Carver), and 12 (Elspeth) have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?

Well Elspeth would be cooking, so it would be a masterpiece of lamb chops, mulberry wine and apple pie, all served on Isobel’s ship and punctuated by insults. They’d probably be discussing world politics.

#8. 3 (Vladimir) challenges 10 (Cassiopeia) to a duel. What happens?

Cassiopeia seduces Vladimir and snatches a win by kicking him when he‘s not looking.

#9. If 1 (Gurda) stole 8’s (Freya) most precious possession, how would she/he get it back?

She wouldn’t.

#10. Suggest a title for a story in which 7 (Carver) and 12 (Elspeth) both attain what they most desire.

Brains, Brains, Brains.

#11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 (Lily) and 1 (Gurda) to work together?

Demonic possession, most likely, there’s no way Lily would work with Gurda.

#12. If 7 (Carver) visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?

I’d get him to teach me how to be an awesome apothecary, and in return take him to see a movie, followed by a meal of his choice.

#13. If you could command 3 (Vladimir) to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?

LOL - don’t tempt me, the man is prettyful….

#14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11 (Rosaline)?


#15. If 2 (Isobel) had to choose sides between 4 (Lily) and 5 (Tully), which would it be?

Lily, hands down. Vladimir was the only guy that Isobel loved and she will always sanctify that truth.

#16. What might 10 (Cassiopeia) shout while charging into battle?

Generic insults.

#17. If you chose a song to represent 8 (Freya), which song would you choose?

Jennifer Knapp, Martyrs and Thieves.

#18. 1 (Gurda), 6 (Sylvie), and 12 (Elspeth) are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?

Well, Gurda has possession of Sylvie, and Elspeth is too polite to let Sylvie go without, so both Gurda and Sylvie, technically.

#19. What might be a good pick-up line for 2 (Isobel) to use on 10 (Cassiopeia)?

Isobel doesn’t flirt, especially not with Cassiopeia. But, if you must…

‘You are an oasis in me desert o’life.’

#20. What would 5 (Tully) most likely be arrested for?

Wasting police time.

#21. What is 6’s (Sylvie) secret?

She’s a witch.

#22. If 11 (Rosaline) and 9 (Lundy) were racing to a destination, who would get there first?

Rosa - because she is the most likely to cheat.

#23. If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 (Carver) or 8 (Freya)?

Freya; Carver’s trade is his apothecary shop, he doesn’t know any self defence. Freya is an established witch. Though, she would also probably run off and leave me too.

#24. 1 (Gurda) and 9 (Lundy) reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4’s (Lily) sinister secret organization. 11 (Rosaline) volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that she is actually a spy for 4 (Lily). Meanwhile, 4 (Lily) has kidnapped 12 (Elspeth) in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5 (Tully), they seek out 3 (Vladimir), who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this fic?

Just another day in the loony bin


Dan. said...

This is really interesting... I can only but steal it!

As the opening sentence says not to read the questions before answering, I shall answer them for my own characters, and then come back and read your answers... there's method in the madness! (Or perhaps madness in the method?)

Saiyu said...

hahaha, the 'no read the questions bit' is really a precaution so characters cannot be chosen to fit the questions, hence providing more interesting answers ^^ - there is sense to it, honest!