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Wednesday 12 March 2008

Have I put you off? (Say yes and I'll poke your eyes out)

Today has been such a pointless day on so many levels. As is the norm, I woke with the best intentions - all of which proved to be a waste of time, as in the end they all were skewered by an unknown assailant wielding a stopwatch.

It was meant to be my day off today, a day I usually spend in bed with my laptop on my stomach, only moving to type random anime titles into search engines and occasionally find a biscuit from my food box. If I'm feeling really rebellious, I'll brave the kitchen and make myself a cup of hot chocolate.

Today was rather different to previous expectations - I had a subject talk to go to. Re-enrolment is this week, so as a result there are discussions to attend for help with module choices. In English, there are three choices, neatly explained in the subject handbook, along with a workload description. Therefore, the talk really does not seem compulsory.

Me, Laney, Scoot and Alissa decided to go anyway, as we were under the impression it would further detail the course descriptions. How wrong we were.

I went into class early to prepare for the discussions, and met up with Alissa, who was going the same way. I had falsely believed that the talk was on at eleven, so was ages early. Instead of having me sit in the library for two extra hours, she said I could go to class with her instead and for some reason I don't remember I agreed.

Yes, that's right, I agreed to go to someone else's class on my day off. Lord, I'm such a student.

After about an hour, we met up with Laney and walked to the classroom, adorned with a piece of paper that announced the cancellation of the class. I don't think I was quite as disappointed as the girl who emerged in tears, but was quite dashed all the same. Our class is dreadfully behind on workload - we were still studying Esther Waters two weeks ago. It would be nice to actually study the other books on the course.

We ended up heading for the food court, where Scoot appeared and after two hours of hangman, during which I discovered my true IQ, we left to find the lecture, only to discover that it had been moved to a different room. Oh, the irony.

Not a problem, I hear you say, just follow the yellow brick road.

We made ourselves comfortable in the replacement room, oblivious to the fact that we were about the only English students there. By the time we did notice, it was almost time for our lecture to start in a room we didn't know the location of. In the end we must have got lost about three times, not because we didn't know our way around, but because we didn't have a clue where it was we were meant to be going, delayed somewhat by the lifts and their sizist remarks. Eventually we fell through the door about ten minutes late, to a grumpy faced lecturer, muttering, 'I shall have to start again now'.

At the end of all that, I was positive the lecture would have been worth the hassle, but actually it just turned out to be a broad Q'n'A, in which the mature students seemed to have most of the answers.

Quite a lot like class, now I think about it.


Sam said...

I don't think I was quite as disappointed as the girl who emerged in tears

AHAHAHHAA. I actually just burst out laughing at this. Your account is much better than mine XDD

Although you forgot the bit where the elevator called us fatties!

Saiyu said...


Detective KimE said...

You mean....lift overloaded!!!
Was someone really crying because the class wasn't on!!!
People keep talking about some module lecture. What lecture?!!!
I'm screwed.

Saiyu said...

yus, someone really was crying, bawling actually XD

don't worry, you dint miss anything, the talk just outlined what was in the handbook with questions in between. anyone of us could have given it.