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Wednesday 6 August 2008

Random meme

HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out:


* Put a body part on fire for amusement:


* Been in a car accident:

Almost D8

* Been hurt emotionally:

Is there anyone who hasn't?

* Had an imaginary friend:

XDDDDDDDD, His name was Buster ^^

* Cried during a movie:


* Had a crush on a teacher:

D8 No

* Ever thought an animated character was hot?:

I'm an anime fan, it goes without saying

* Had a New Kids On the Block tape:


* Been on stage:

Yup, singing and dancing [Bet that's a shocker]

* Cut your hair:

What, myself????

* Shampoo:

Dove moisturising shampoo

* Color:
Depends on the mood.

* Day/Night:

Depends on the mood.

* Summer/Winter:

Winter, though not when it's slippy ¬¬

* Lace or satin:

Satin, lace is itchy DX

* Cartoon Characters:

L, Tamaki, kyouya, Kaiba, [blathers on for hours with other random anime chars]

* Food:

pizza, sushi, ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, berries[blathers on again]

* Fave Movie:

Spirited Away

* Fave Ice Cream:

Bohemian Raspberry

* Fave Subject:

Creative Writing and Dream Study

* Fave Drink:

Cola prolly

------------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing:


* Eating:


* Drinking:

I wish

* Thinking about:

What i'm going to be doing later

* Listening to:


* Talking to:


* Watching:

A computer screen

---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
* Cried:

Me? you lieeeeeeee

* Worn a skirt:

For bed maybe

* Met someone new:

In Whitters?

* Cleaned your room:

AHAHAHAHAHAHA, now i know you're lying.

* Done laundry:

Mother did. She believes my skills outshine hers.

* Drove a car:

I have a bus pass, there's not much point.

* Yourself:

Of course, perception is reality.

* Friends:

What a loaded question O.O

* Santa Claus:


* Destiny/Fate:


* Angels:


* Ghosts:

My Daddy has seen one *nod nod*

* UFO's:

* Bf/gf:

Not at the moment, had one last year though

* Ever been in love:

Yarrr, some say too easily.

* Cheated on anyone:

O.O I'd never do that. [had it done on me ¬¬]

* Ever done a "drunken stupid mistake":

Can't get drunk.

* Ever had a lesbian/gay experience:

Define experience

-----TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
Would you ever:
* Pay for sex:


* Strip for money:

I have standards

* Play strip poker:

If i knew the rules

* Work in McDonalds:


* Lie:

Everybody lies.

* Bitch about someone:

Everybody bitches. I'm human.

* What's the best feeling in the world:


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